KOKUYO Group Procurement Policy and Guidelines

KOKUYO Group Procurement Policy and Guidelines

As corporate activities are becoming more globalized, KOKUYO Group is well aware that managing its own company and subsidiary companies is insufficient for fulfilling the scope of social responsibility. In 2013, KOKUYO therefore invited 32 principal subcontractors, gave an account of the procurement policy and implemented a self-examination questionnaire for feedback to the subcontractors. In 2014, we sent the basic procurement policy and guidelines to nearly 400 suppliers. We will strive to further build relationships of trust through these activities.

KOKUYO Group Sustainable Procurement Policy
For the earth and society to remain sustainable, the KOKUYO Group communicates to suppliers (design with empathy), builds trust with suppliers, and works with suppliers to fulfill our corporate social responsibility to contribute to the development of society through our products and services.

  • Quality management
    By providing products and services that enrich “work, learning and living,” we will continue to respond to the trust of customers and pursue customer satisfaction. We will conduct comprehensive risk management and provide accurate product and service information.

  • Respect for human rights
    The Group understands the culture and business customs of various countries and regions and aims for a society where the rights of all people are respected.
    The Group does not permit unfair discrimination or child and forced labor. Moreover, the Group does not conduct transactions with companies, groups, or other entities that engage in such practices. The Group does not allow sexual harassment, power harassment, bullying, or other such violations of human rights.

  • Health and safety
    We will comply with health and safety related laws and regulations including the Industrial Safety and Health Act.
    We will pay appropriate wages and allowances, provide welfare programs, properly conclude labor agreements, comply with applicable laws and regulations, and protect the rights of workers.
    We will encourage continuous and self-initiated workplace improvement and strive to prevent occupational accidents and illness.

  • Environmental preservation
    The Group takes environmental protection initiatives on a global scale, and by actively participating in communities and acting as a good corporate citizen, seeks to create mutually beneficial relationships with society.
    The Group respects and observes environment-related laws, and in all its activities, takes initiatives to protect the environment. Moreover, the Group conducts activities that give consideration to the natural environment and biodiversity.

  • Fair trade
    When engaging in procurement, we will comply with the applicable laws, regulations, treaties, and so on in each country and region and follow industry standards and international norms.
    We will take a firm stand and not accede to any improper demands made by criminal organizations that threaten the good order and safety of civil society. Furthermore, we will not have any business dealing with such organizations.
    We will respect the rights of suppliers, take action to prevent all corruption including extortion and bribery, and will practice sound, proper, and fair trade.

  • Information security
    We will properly manage confidential corporate information including sales, technical, and management information as well as personal information and prevent loss and leaks of information.
    We will not engage in insider trading including trading of the shares of our own company or affiliated companies based on non-public material inside information and will not engage in any conduct that induces insider trading.