Sustainability Policy, Guidelines

Basic Concepts

We have established a policy and guidelines to guide our efforts to incorporate sustainability into our business activities.

Sustainable Business Strategy

We established the Sustainable Business Strategy to bridge our long-term vision with our policy on stakeholder engagement.

Background to the Sustainable Business Strategy

KOKUYO Group Environmental Policy

Building a sustainable society will require the creation of a decarbonized and recycling-oriented society that can coexist with nature. The KOKUYO Group Environmental Policy sets out specific actions to that end.

Environmental Management

KOKUYO Group Code of Conduct

After we started expanding globally, it became apparent that we needed to define a set of common behavioral standards while giving leeway to local differences, such as cultural differences, differences in values, and differences in legal interpretations. To that end, we established the KOKUYO Group Code of Conduct.

KOKUYO Group Safety and Health Basic Policy

KOKUYO believes that creation of a safe, secure and pleasant working environment, safety measures in times of disaster and other measures are the foundations for employees to work vigorously and demonstrate their full abilities. To that end, we established the KOKUYO Group Safety and Health Basic Policy.

Employee Safety

KOKUYO Health and Productivity Management Declaration

We support employee health and productivity on the belief that the key to employee well-being is to encourage employees to take an interest in their health and engage positively at work. Our commitment is enshrined in the KOKUYO Health and Productivity Management Declaration, which is aligned with the Sustainable Business Strategy.

Employee Health

Circular Business Guidelines

In 2022, we created the Circular Business Guidelines as an updated version of the eco-batsu initiative, which we have continued since 2008. The guidelines are designed to support closed-loop recycling and reduce recycling speed by reinforcing efforts in use, collection, and recycling.

Contribute toward a Circular Economy

KOKUYO Group Sustainable Procurement Policy

The KOKUYO Group Sustainable Procurement Policy enshrines our commitment to ensuring that our procurement activities contribute to a sustainable planet and society. Under this policy, we communicate our belief in co-creation with empathy to our supply chain partners, work to build mutual trust with them, and continue working with them to fulfill our collective social responsibility to support development of society.

Supply Chain Management

Sustainable Procurement Guidelines

To ensure that our supply chain contributes to a sustainable planet and society, we established the KOKUYO Group Procurement Guidelines. Based on the Sustainable Procurement Policy, these guidelines clarify the requirements and expectations for both KOKUYO and our suppliers.

Supply Chain Management

Policy on Timber Procurement

In 2011, we released the Policy on Timber Procurement to enshrine our commitment to sustainable use of forest resources.

KOKUYO Quality Pledge

The KOKUYO Quality Pledge enshrines our commitment to quality. In line with this pledge, we will satisfy customers and earn their trust by delivering products and services that enrich work, learning, and living. We will also manage risks effectively and ensure the accuracy of information about our products and services.

Providing Peace of Mind and Safety to Customers