
Basic Concepts

We endorse international initiatives and guidelines related to sustainability.

Japan’s Guidance for Collaborative Value Creation

In our integrated reporting, we adhere to the Guidance for Collaborative Value Creation provided by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. This guidance serves as a lingua franca for companies and investors to engage with each other. Business leaders use the guidance to organize and integrate the information investors want to know (the organization’s values, business model, strategy, governance, and so on) so that they can communicate more effectively with the investors.

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

Our integrated reporting also follows the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), which we have endorsed. Specifically, our disclosures of strategies and policies include non-financial information such as initiatives for a zero-carbon transition. The TCFD provides companies a framework for disclosing climate-related financial information, including climate-related risks, opportunities, and initiatives.

Respond to the climate crisis

Sustainable Development Goals

Our material issues align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and we keep the SDGs in mind when developing products and services. The SDGs were enshrined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, released in 2016 following its adoption at the UN Summit in September 2015. They represent the aspiration of the 193 member states to achieve a better and more sustainable world by 2030.

Integrated Reporting Framework of the International Integrated Reporting Council

Our integrated reporting is also guided by the Integrated Reporting Framework of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). We use this framework to organize information about our value-creation process. The IIRC is a global coalition of regulators, investors, companies, standard setters, accountants, and NGOs.

ISO 26000

We align our disclosures with the core themes set out in ISO 26000. ISO 26000 is a guidance standard concerning social responsibility. It was published by the International Organization for Standardization on November 1, 2010.

Content index (GRI Standards, ISO 26000)

GRI Guidelines

The GRI Guidelines serve as a framework for reporting environmental, social, and governance information. The guidelines are provided by the Global Reporting Initiative, an NPO dedicated to setting international standards on sustainability.

Content index (GRI Standards, ISO 26000)

SASB Standards

We follow the SASB Standards when identifying our material issues. The SASB Standards are provided by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, an NPO that sets standards for corporate disclosures of non-financial information, by which a company’s long-term value can be measured.