July. 28, 2023

Registrations and submissions are now being accepted for the KOKUYO DESIGN AWARD 2024 contest.

KOKUYO DESIGN AWARD 2024, with its theme “primitive”, is looking for product designs that will remain as the essentials in the future by going back to fundamental quality of our familiar tools used in working, learning, and living.

Shogo Kishino (Representative of 6D-K / Art Director and Graphic Designer) will be invited to participate as the sixth judge alongside the other five judges, Tsuyoshi Tane (Architect), Nao Tamura (Designer), Teruhiro Yanagihara (Designer), Satoshi Yoshiizumi (Designer), and Hidekuni Kuroda (President and CEO of KOKUYO Co., Ltd.).

The key points for judging the entries are whether they “The idea’s clarity”, “The idea highlights social issues”, and “The design’s potential to become a product”.

Student entrants will also be eligible for the NEW GENERATION Award, established exclusively for them, to encourage coming up with unique ideas and challenging oneself unbound by conventional thinking with anticipation for success in what they do in the future. KOKUYO’s Purpose is, “Bringing you a tomorrow you can’t wait for.” We will select up to 10 outstanding entries that, based on their presentation sheets, make us “feel that their futures will be exciting.”

The deadline for entries and design submissions is 12:00 noon (Japan Standard Time) on Wednesday, October 11.
We are eagerly awaiting your designs.

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